About trials

To ensure you can experience our platform in full, we offer a free of charge 14 day trial via our web application, once you have registered for a free account.

Things to know in advance
There are a couple of things to know in advance, just so we avoid any confusion.

  • Trials can be activated after setting up a freemium account, via our web application.
  • Trials run for 14 days and are automatically cancelled unless a user updates their plan. After the trial period you are moved back to the freemium plan and any credits left of your trial will be revoked.
  • While payment details are required up front, during the trial users aren't charged.
  • An information bar containing the days left in your trial will always show on the main page.
  • During the trial you will get access to our Pro features.
  • Users get 100 image credits and can process up to 90 seconds of video.

More information on trials can be found on our website and FAQ.

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